October 8th & 9th, 2011
Our Summer Showcase was full, as testimony to the high quality of our professional evaluation team of college coaches, former professional players and professional scouts. In response to this demand, we are planning a “Fall Showcase” on October 8th and 9th. In order to accommodate those driving in on Saturday morning the evaluations and videotaping will not begin until 12:00 p.m. Remember, the Fall Showcase is designed for the player who desires to display his full skills to college coaches and professional evaluators. On Sunday we will establish teams from our participants and conduct games to provide another opportunity for player evaluation.
Details: Two day event, with the first day showcase then competitive games on the second day.
Ages: 16, 17 and 18
Cost: $239.00 Per Player
* To register for the event, send an e-mail request to DutielBaseball@aol.com and we will add your name to the Showcase Player Contact List. We will send you further information for this event on August 1st.
* For more details please contact:
Charles Mathews
Buckeye Elite Ohio High School Player Coordinator at 614-206-5447
Or Email at CMathewsTopspin@yahoo.com
Brandon Gessner
Buckeye Elite Special Event Director at 614-519-7458
Or E-mail at Brandon.BuckeyeElite@gmail.com